Big leagues
Tim Ekstrom
Headed for the glory zone over the past couple of days spirits and expectations were soaring. Big fish on the bow and a handful of days to settle in. Day one on the grounds produced a very different outcome. Hosting an abundance of life reminiscent of the "good old days" catching yellowfin tuna when size matters proved a challenging prospect. Lots of fish everywhere, in the size range abundant up above, proved a nuisance. Eager to show their stuff suffice it to say that plenty were given a second chance albeit with a sore jaw. A few nice wahoo added some spice as we toured the zone ploughing through 20-40 pound tuna. Satisfied with the life and potential tomorrow is a new day with plenty more options to explore. Photo today features Royal Star veteran angler and friend Mike Kellog and a fine grade yellowfin he wrangled through a determined, yet unsuccessful, group of "grinners".